1. Why does the author use the word “perverse” in the title of his book?
Why does the author use the word “perverse” in the title of his book? This is a frequently asked question since many Christians object to its usage; they even find perverse to be a very distasteful choice of words, especially when it obliquely insinuates that problems may exist within their religion. So … let’s make sure we are all on the same page. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “perverse” as (1) something turned away from what is right: corrupt and (2) improper; incorrect. These definitions define Lucianity to a Tee since it is a corrupted version of Christianity that reflects improper and incorrect beliefs about Christ and the Christian religion. Some of this uneasy angst is compounded by the word Lucianity because people jump to the false conclusion that it refers to Lucifer (when in fact it is named after Lucius) so that belief is erroneous and definitely not the case. To make matters even worse, some people also conclude that perverse is describing Christianity when in actual fact the word perverse is used exclusively to describe Lucianity.
Nevertheless, despite all these concerns, the detective intentionally used both words: perverse and Lucianity. He did this because during his investigation of the Bible, (where he followed just the facts), it was discovered that people who believe in Christ via the scripture forged by Lucius, truly are perverse! They are perverse in many ways, but the basic, underlying reason for the blatant perverseness is their daily, routine, and redundant prayers to Jesus since those very public, conscious, and bold-faced acts are performed in direct defiance and violation of the First Commandment (See Exodus 20: 1-7). These acts are improper; they are incorrect and therefore perverse … especially for the people who hold fast to the belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God. These routine and habitual acts of praying to Jesus, instead of praying to the true God of all mankind, represents corrupt behavior that is hypocritical (Matthew 6:1-18), extremely insulting, and in final analysis, deemed not to be ‘Holy’ in any manner whatsoever. These “prayers,” which are falsely and devoutly said to Jesus (i.e. who … in God’s eyes can only be considered an “other god” placed before Him), is completely contrary to the mandate of God as reported in the above verses of Exodus. As such, when in the history of man, did Christians ever get a special license to circumvent God’s will and His commandments without Divine excuse or authority? The language of the Bible is straight-forward and God’s command was clearly spoken and written with no exemption carved out for ‘Christians’. So, the bottom line is: no one possesses a license or the authority to avoid adherence to God’s word and law. Lucius never understood this fundamental point and has passed along his blissful ignorance of Mosaic Law to all posterity; he repeatedly made this mistake when he identified Jesus as the “Lord” in all his forged Bible scriptures. Therefore, as an acute consequence of all his manifest Bible mischief, Christianity has suffered in many ways, several of which include, but are not limited to the following: (1) severe mental blindness about God’s spoken word and His commands as revealed in the Book of Exodus; (2) a total misunderstanding about the purpose of Christ’s earthly visit which conjunctively reveals his real and true identity; and (3) complete ignorance about Lucius himself who single-handedly, as the Bishop of Cyrene, forged and corrupted 75% of the New Testament. As a consequence, Christians usually don’t pray to the Lord thy God – which is the accepted, expected, and normal method of praying ... but all too often, and more likely, they direct their prayers of adoration improperly and incorrectly to the Lord Jesus (because they have been bamboozled by Lucius) and recognize the “Lord” as Jesus … when, in fact, this perception is entirely untrue. Thus, these misdirected “prayers” or pious recitations to Jesus are by clear definition: Perverse ! This argument by the detective is supported by Bible scripture: (A) Isaiah 53:12 where the entity mentioned in that verse (i.e. Jesus) is identified as a transgressor (i.e. a sinner), a label which applies to man, but could not …would not … and cannot be applied to the Lord God under any circumstance; (B) Daniel 7:13 where the anointed one (i.e. the messiah or Jesus) is identified as the Son of man (which biblically means: a human being), not God or the Son of God; and (C) Revelation 1:9-18 where Jesus Christ tells John during his spiritual visit that he is the “First and the Last,” thus identifying himself as a man since Almighty God has no beginning or ending. These three scriptural verses identify the messiah or Jesus as a man, not as God, the Lord, or the Lord thy God.
God didn’t send Jesus to earth to show … prove … and demonstrate that God is made in image of God because that (on its face) is nonsensical … or to prove that God could survive crucifixion on a cross by man ... since everyone already knows that no man can kill God, but man can kill man, so this fact is another reason why Jesus was a man, and not God. The physical body of Jesus (or the Son of Man) was corruptible and it died, but his spiritual body, his soul or the image of God, is incorruptible (a reference to Paul’s epistle, First Corinthians 15:54) … and it has eternal life. So Jesus, like any man, and even this detective are made in the image of God, but that doesn’t make this detective the Lord God, and it doesn’t make Jesus God either. Nonetheless, for over 2000 years, man has been praying to a man (i.e Jesus) albeit a very special man as the anointed one of God, but still a man and not God. As such, praying to Jesus as the Lord is improper, incorrect or perverse and totally contrary to God’s First commandment. It is a sinful situation created by Lucius which most people knowingly follow, and unfortunately, falsely accept as holy. However, in spite of all this, the recognition of Jesus as just a “man” (and not God) should make people very happy… since now, they should be fully aware that all mankind shares the same spiritual potential as Christ --- If they are truly holy, and pray only to God.
Nevertheless, the truth is this: Jesus Christ himself would absolutely forbid any prayers directed to him, particularly those identifying him as the Lord. After a thorough study and review, the reason for people maintaining this stubbornly-held, irrational belief about the divine identity of Jesus is probably rooted in what Mark Twain has wisely claimed, and what the Russians later confirmed through their propaganda research: It is much easier to fool people, than it is to convince them they have been fooled. This is quite understandable since the ego of man prevents him from admitting his mistakes … and on matters relating to long-standing beliefs about one’s religion, the change of belief is an extremely tortuous and exasperating decision due to social, interpersonal, and family implications. It is an even more difficult decision when two thousand years of recognized, established and publicly accepted ‘contrary’ history exists to contradict any rationale for change. This inherent fact of human nature (compounded by the private and sensitive issue of religion) is exactly why the detective has experienced some strange looks and animosity from family and friends regarding his investigation. They have held fast to all their beliefs about Christ’s life and the accuracy of Bible scripture, despite all the countervailing facts of fraud and forgery presented by the detective. And, somewhat related to this broad perverse subject of praying to Jesus, the detective harbors a very strong suspicion that Muhammad recognized the same issue with early Christians during the seventh century, and that is why he strictly built his religion around the First Commandment. Heretofore, only the Jews believed in a God without any visible image and the Islamic prophet adopted this belief as the core dogma of his religion. This insight also explains why no picture, statue, or image of the prophet is allowed since he undoubtedly observed how the Christians had placed Jesus above God in their worship --- something sternly forbidden by the First Commandment.
So what word would have been better than perverse? The detective doesn‘t believe any word would appease the disgruntled masses. No matter the word, someone would object since the results of his investigation seriously question the truth of ‘Lucianity,’ a belief system which has masqueraded as Christianity for nearly 2000 years. Completely shocked by his findings, people immediately recoil and angrily retort because they assume their life-long chosen faith has been attacked … and of course, no one likes to admit that they have been deceived and so easily duped. Adding to all this unsettling news is the revelation that the Holy Bible, the last remaining moral authority of Western Civilization, has also been severely corrupted and compromised by the fiction of Lucius. Without a biblical platform to firmly stand anymore, the believer now recognizes that his faith, his intelligence, and his decision-making capabilities about religion are seriously in question and deeply flawed, and as a consequence, doesn’t know who or what to believe.
Being in a state of anguish, the church-going Sunday Christian feels a sense of hopelessness and despair. However, these “Lucian-Christians” only find themselves in this predicament (i.e. mental quandary) because they have swallowed Lucianity on mere “faith” where they have never been able to explain it or substantiate it. This in a nutshell is the essence of their spiritual dilemma. Real Christians don’t panic and get emotionally upset when their spiritually held beliefs and religion are facing negative attack … why? Because unlike all other religions, physical evidence exists which, confirms and scientifically verifies the presence of intense, unearthly light during the resurrection of Christ. Additionally, only Christianity, and messianic Judaism possess centuries-old prophetic predictions about the messiah (i.e. Christ), which have been publicly and historically fulfilled down to the exact day. These facts strongly endorse God’s involvement, and should make every Christian very secure in their religious beliefs.
The detective doesn’t know where the concept of accepting a religious tenet on faith originally began, but God sent Christ to earth in order to eliminate all doubt about the spiritual destiny of man’s soul … and similarly, to end man’s conjecture and constant recourse to accepting religious belief by “faith” alone. That is one of the reasons why Jesus was publicly crucified, suffered death for three days and three nights before God raised him up from the tomb; God wanted man to see and know for himself that he had a soul and Genesis 1:27 of the Mosaic Law was true. After Easter Sunday, the words faith and hope should have been erased permanently, and completely eradicated, from the lexicon of Christians … because God had dropped these misused words into the bin of bygone history. However, Lucius intervened, so the words still remain even though they are no longer needed for spiritual explanation.
God wanted man to understand that he/she was created in the image of God and seeing Christ physically walk, and once again full of life after a very brutal, gruesome, and agonizing death, eliminated all the doubt, mystery, and speculation about man’s existence after the grave. However, to refute all naysayers, and ensure this message would never be forgotten again by any succeeding generation, God verified the reality and truth of Genesis 1:27 by creating and presenting man with spectacular physical evidence that vividly substantiates His message. This message about the spiritual nature of man, or the Second Coming of Jesus, was physically verified when radiation from the spiritual light of Christ’s soul sublimely burnt an image of his physical body (both front and back simultaneously), into the burial linen covering his bloody corpse during the resurrection event. This image could only be created by intense spiritual light emanating from inside the dead body of Jesus Christ. Known today as the Shroud of Turin, it serves as a stark reminder that real Christianity is a religion based on visible, physical evidence where all scientific analysis concludes and substantiates that no power on Earth could have created it. That was true then, and it is true even today! … 2000 years later, no technology exists capable of reproducing the image that was burned into the Shroud, thus confirming that man truly is made in the image of God.
So now in conclusion, the reader should have a clear understanding of why the detective described “Lucianity” as perverse. He believes prayer to Jesus as opposed to God is perverse, and even sinful (based on the First Commandment), but there are many other reasons. For instance, as part of his research during the lengthy investigation and the writing of his book, the detective asked hundreds of people who identified Christianity as their chosen religion one simple question: “Why did Christ come to earth?” Not one Christian, not a single one, knew the correct answer … but, an Islamic female acquaintance from Jordan knew, and she explained her answer in full detail. Now ask yourself, is that perverse, or what? That question is fundamental, and it demonstrates how shallow Christianity really is in the lives of most people. It was obvious from the above discussions that religion is only pretense, or put another way, just window dressing for the masses.
This problem of vacuous, or mindless Christianity, is one of the issues the detective wishes to further pursue since it represents a key underlying reason for his book, and why Lucianity is perverse. After many years of muddled belief, (which was directly caused by scriptural misdirection and fiction fabricated exclusively by the guile of Lucius), this detective now has a clear gestalt of real “Christianity.” He can fully explain his beliefs, and his convictions. Similarly, he has a clear functional knowledge of his chosen religion absent all the mystery, because the perverse fiction and fraud within Lucianity has been exposed and eliminated from his body of beliefs. The detective doesn’t need faith or hope anymore, since he now possesses the unvarnished truth, where he knows the Lord God exists and Christ by his resurrection, fulfilled his Divine mission, proving to everyone that man really is made in the image of God. It is fervently desired that all readers of his investigation can find the same truth which has been revealed to him: Lucianity represents the prodigious and perverse labor of one single, overzealous disciple, Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene, whose fertile mind fabricated nearly 75% of the New Testament’s scripture wherein he has deceived mankind for the last 2000 years by the use of creative fiction, fraud, and forgery in the reporting of Christ’s mission on Earth. On the other hand, history, prophecy (precisely fulfilled to the exact day) , and even scientific analysis all establish that God did send Christ to Earth, thereby verifying the essential truths of the Bible and similarly confirming that true “Christianity” is not perverse! Now that a clear difference and a definable distinction has been drawn between “Lucianity” and “Christianity,” all the issues and questions about the title of the detective’s book should be resolved.