John Byer

It is unfortunate I have to write my BIO as a defense attorney, but under the circumstances, it is necessary to defend my honor, reputation, and qualifications from unprecedented attack due to my unique and unusual investigative analysis of Christianity. My book Lucianity has already created controversy, and it will no doubt ruffle more feathers as time passes, especially since the dogma of the biblical faith is seriously in question due to the discovery that Lucius forged about 75% of the New Testament. This discovery upsets nearly 2000 years of accepted history, both secular and biblical.  And, for this reason, I want to clear the air upfront and tell the readers exactly who I am. First, I am a devout believer in God, and I pray daily without any exception. I was raised a Catholic, baptized and confirmed, attending Catholic grade school and high school with religion classes in 11 of those 11 years. For much of my life, I regularly attended church services, but Catholics unlike their Protestant counterparts don’t read the Bible. Thus in retirement, I decided to read and study the Bible for the first time in my life --- and boy, was I ever surprised when I found myself immersed in plainly visible, and easily discernible, scriptural fraud. However, and I won’t mince words, despite all the obvious forgery, my investigation didn’t sway or alter my devout belief in God or Christ by the slightest minutia … because I possess enough maturity to separate man’s corruption from my deeply-held spiritual beliefs that are based on a life time of intensive research and analytical study. Even so, my investigation into the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the Bible forgery radically changed my understanding of early Christian history, and the integrity of the Bible itself. I also found it particularly disconcerting to learn that not one person who claimed to be Christian could correctly answer a question about the purpose or reason for God sending Christ to Earth.

Anyway, as a consequence of the soul wrenching discoveries found during my investigation of the Bible, the purpose and function of this BIO, as pointed out above, will be different from other posted BIOs. There are several reasons for why this is so. In the first place, almost everything that people have been taught, and almost everything they know or believe about Christianity … is not true. In my book, I disclose many false beliefs (e.g. the Ascension, Transfiguration, the {Second} Coming of our Lord) … where these biblical events, and many more are revealed to be nothing more than the shameless fiction of Lucius with the Bible itself providing, and confirming, most of these shocking falsehoods. My admission to doing an in-depth criminal review of the Bible and reporting the contentious discoveries in a published book puts my name at the very top of the “persona non grata” listings. Secondly, other authors usually write books with the desperate hope of generating royalty income sufficient to maintain a decent standard of living. However, that is not the intent, nor is it the case with this author: God has already paid me (detective John Byer) in full because He answered my prayers and then being very generous, He also granted me the ability to fulfill the purpose and the mission of my soul. Without sounding cheesy, my investigation of “Christianity” was my soul’s destiny and it explains everything that has happened in my life and even the reasons for... why TV shows and movies about detective mysteries appealed to me from my earliest days as a youth; why I always wanted to be a detective; why I ended up with two University degrees in Criminology;  and finally, why I had a career in law enforcement. All of these various things plus a catalog of other similar events and issues in my life, prepared me for my final earthbound role as a bible detective . I do not believe these things, along with many other spiritual incidents and revelations in my life were accidental. Instead, they were part of a larger plan by God where he would use me to uncover and reveal the real truth of Christ’s incarnation, death, and resurrection ... which has been successfully hidden under the religious beliefs of Lucianity for the past 2000 years. For this reason, I didn’t write this book to make some extra money via royalty payments; I only wrote it to reveal the bottom line truth about why God had Christ die on the cross. In this special regard, I have been severely criticized for using the words “Perverse Religion” in the title of my book … yet, 100% of all those “Christians’ who objected to the word “perverse” didn’t have a clue about why Christ was sent to earth by God. Now that fact is really perverse, and one of the God-given reasons for my book.

Some additional specific information about the author and his book ~
Note: After suffering a debilitating job-related physical injury, which resulted in a cervical fusion and multiple sclerosis, I am unable to use social media to broadcast my book so I have an extended BIO where I provide additional background about myself and my book.

I retired from a career in law enforcement after working 29 years for the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) where at various times over those many years I investigated a wide range of crimes while assigned to patrol, vice, internal affairs, detectives, and traffic. It all started when I entered the police academy in Sept 1968, only three months after earning a Master’s degree at UC, Berkeley in Criminology. At the time, and even today, my entrance into the Police Academy meant more to me than my collegiate educational achievements. For one thing, unlike Berkeley, my presence at the Academy fulfilled a life-long dream and a personal ambition of working for the finest police agency in the USA. I had sincere respect and high regard for the integrity of the agency, and ever since I could remember, I wanted to be an LA cop. This ambition probably originated with TV shows like Dragnet and other Hollywood crime dramas that stirred my interest; in any event, this keen interest in ‘Cops  & Robbers’ was independently confirmed by my dear and wonderful mother who told me as a youngster that I was born to be a detective. I am very pleased that she has had a long life, and thus able to see the ultimate results of her prescient understanding regarding my destiny as a Bible detective.

However, after joining LAPD, it would be eleven long years before I actually transferred into a Detective assignment; first, I had to gain my street cred’s by mandatory duty in a Black & White radio car which I did, working a one man unit and a two man unit (where I was both a partner and a training officer), at several of the 16 geographical police divisions within the City of the Angels. On my daily police log, there were numerous highly-charged and dangerous incidents that I was assigned to handle, and when encountering some of these singular, very memorable moments, I couldn’t believe that the City was really paying me to be on an exhilarating E-ride. Disneyland was only 30 minutes away via the I-5 Freeway, but all of its rides were milquetoast and kindergarten events by comparison. During those early years (at least from a cop’s perspective), I was at ground zero, the center of activity, or in the Bulls-eye, so to speak … because my patrol deployments and street assignments placed me in South Central Los Angeles, the location where the highest rates of crime and violence existed… and every one of the incidents that I logged each day required an investigation of fact. Then, after earning a commendation from my Captain for writing a report describing a short vehicle pursuit, followed by a major disturbance-rioting incident, and numerous arrests of renowned car club gang members, my street time was interrupted by a demand from the “Brass.” Without my willing consent, I was redeployed to a “pogue” assignment on the seventh floor of Parker Center (PAB) to handle mundane correspondence for the Chief of Police. This 8 to 5, M-F paperwork job turned out to be quite interesting because I learned about the inter-workings of the entire Department, Police Commission, City Council and the inside politics of all three; I also got to meet Jack Webb (of “Dragnet” fame as Sgt. Joe Friday) several times and the cast of “Adam-12,” only a few of the many movie and TV personalities who I would eventually meet during my time in LA.

After returning to Patrol duty, I was able to advance to Sergeant very rapidly and in that capacity, completed an array of administrative and criminal investigations. Later, when reassigned to Internal Affairs, I conducted hundreds of very lengthy personnel investigations and even a super-sensitive case where a Superior Court Judge and defense lawyers had made serious allegations against the command staff of my assigned Division (i.e. Internal Affairs). I didn’t want the case because I didn’t believe that it was appropriate for me (an underling in rank) to investigate my immediate superiors (or bosses). In the end, I was directed (i.e. ordered) to do the investigation. Subsequently, after reading a small library of court transcripts and going through many archival records in the City Clerk’s office, I was able to exonerate the LAPD command officers and the findings of my investigation made the Judge and lawyers look extremely foolish. Upon completing this latter investigation, I was transferred once again and my new duties required me to read and analyze all Department investigations dealing with officer-involved shootings, employee terminations, and personnel grievances; I had to verify that the facts of each case justified and supported the disciplinary action that would be approved by the Chief of Police.

Within a year’s time, I was promoted to Lieutenant where initially I did a short stint in Patrol as a Watch Commander before another rapid and totally unexpected transfer into the job of my life-long dreams: Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of Investigations, for the divisional Detective squad. During my seven year tenure in this latter position, I supervised thousands of criminal investigations that involved homicide, rape, robbery, assault and battery, burglary, theft, auto theft and other specific crimes related to vehicles. Unfortunately, I was seriously injured while serving a search warrant and this incident eventually  forced my transfer into a light duty position. Thereafter, I spent the remaining years of my police career as a Watch Commander of a Traffic Division.

I also spent 20 overlapping years in a private business that provided security and investigations for well-known, high profile Hollywood movie stars, celebrities, and companies. And then, after my professional career had come to an end, I was sitting at home, enjoying my retirement, when I was spurred to study the Bible, a book that I had never read cover to cover before. However, to my utter surprise and dismay, I found myself once again deeply embedded in a quagmire of crime and very visible corruption. I discovered a “cold case” of scriptural fraud and forgery (which somehow had remained unnoticed and unsolved for at least 2000 years) contained within the pages of the New Testament. So I took a deep gasp and promptly accepted the formidable challenge that God placed before me … I instantly began the undaunted task of trying to identify the culprit and resolve the issue of why the scriptural fraud existed in the first place. It wasn’t easy, but in the end, the “Challenge” was ultimately successful. I believe that I succeeded in my manhunt (where others in the past may have failed) only because I was able to devote seven years of my life to the pursuit of the elusive suspect. Seven years of focused, persistent, and arduous labor, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat, because spiritual forces encircled me the entire time, providing the continuous help I needed in order to succeed. Anyway, after working diligently 24-7, slaving away day and night, I was finally able to amass a staggering amount of evidence showing that it was Lucius (an unknown and misidentified disciple of Jesus), who had surreptitiously forged about 75% of the New Testament – thus revealing a ‘cold case’ of Bible fraud which had been under the radar and undetected for the last two millennia. 

This ‘Black Swan’ religious discovery has been met with hostile disbelief, rejection, and unwarranted derision by many people of the “Christian” faith who unquestionably believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Thus, without any honest or factual examination whatsoever, these people who are steeped in Lucianity view the many startling findings as apostasy, and for such, cast me as a lost soul and irredeemable heretic … whereas others have smiled and whimsically called me ‘the Galileo of the 21st century’ --- since I have endured ridicule and verbal attacks for speaking only the plain and obvious truth. Sadly, in this on-going farcical travesty, people without any real study or conscious awareness, believe and accept the proclaimed dogma of Lucius (or “Lucianity” as their religion of faith), and not true Christianity --- a fact which justifies the title of my book … but it is just something else that has caused people to heap scorn and criticism upon me.

With regard to my investigation, it may surprise people, but absolutely none of my life experiences (which are very briefly covered and described above) helped me one iota in the solution of this baffling criminal case … because:
1)  Those thousands of police investigations never involved Bible fraud and forgery of scripture.
(2) Not one of the police investigations that I conducted (numbering in the multi-thousands) ever involved a perpetrator and witnesses who had been ‘dead’ for the last 1900 years.
(3) None of my police investigations ever involved bogus and forged Bible documents used to substantiate a religious faith. 

And, on top of all these obvious points are some additional facts:
(4) I never attended a criminology class in college that dealt with the detection of deceit and forgery contained within the Bible.
(5) I never took a class about ancient secular documents and their use in the fabrication of scripture in order to corrupt the New Testament, just so seekers of truth  and followers of Christ would be spiritually misled and deceived.
(6) I never received any instruction (in college or out of college) about fraud and forgery contained inside the New Testament.

In comparison …
(with the exception of suicides, homicides, and traffic accident casualties) … the investigations conducted during my police career involved a living person and living eye-witnesses --- all of whom could be cross-examined and corroborated (if necessary) by polygraph tests,  DNA or other physical evidence, plus a battery of unique exams by scientific instrument. These investigations were completely different from the one that deals with Bible fraud and forgery committed in the First Century.

As a lifelong Christian, I was honestly stunned and astounded at what my investigation disclosed. But, at long last, truth has finally prevailed over the deceit, lies, and corruption of Lucius. After quiet reflection, I decided to share my shocking discoveries with the religious populace of the world despite the backlash I know will come from all the billions of people who define themselves as Christians, but nonetheless earnestly believe, and faithfully practice “Lucianity.” However, the seekers of the truth will now be able to discern the simple essence of “Christianity,” and even “Messianic Judaism,” after which, they can easily separate those beliefs from the false dogma of ‘Lucianity.’